Creative Movement

$36.00 every month for 9 months

Creative movement is movement that reflects the inner state of a child and encourages them to act on what they are learning and express their individuality, while learning the basic elements of dance. This program is based on creativity, musicality, imagination, and basic dance elements. This level helps children develop body control, learn how to respond to music and rhythm, and gives them a different way of expressing themselves. Children gain coordination and balance through varied movements. By listening to the music and learning how to move in time with the beat children begin to hone their senses and learn how their bodies can work in harmony with the stimuli around them more finely.

Wednesdays 3:45-4:15 PM | Madame Kim

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Creative movement is movement that reflects the inner state of a child and encourages them to act on what they are learning and express their individuality, while learning the basic elements of dance. This program is based on creativity, musicality, imagination, and basic dance elements. This level helps children develop body control, learn how to respond to music and rhythm, and gives them a different way of expressing themselves. Children gain coordination and balance through varied movements. By listening to the music and learning how to move in time with the beat children begin to hone their senses and learn how their bodies can work in harmony with the stimuli around them more finely.

Wednesdays 3:45-4:15 PM | Madame Kim

Creative movement is movement that reflects the inner state of a child and encourages them to act on what they are learning and express their individuality, while learning the basic elements of dance. This program is based on creativity, musicality, imagination, and basic dance elements. This level helps children develop body control, learn how to respond to music and rhythm, and gives them a different way of expressing themselves. Children gain coordination and balance through varied movements. By listening to the music and learning how to move in time with the beat children begin to hone their senses and learn how their bodies can work in harmony with the stimuli around them more finely.

Wednesdays 3:45-4:15 PM | Madame Kim